Islam and public jobs


Islam & Public Jobs

Demoracy without awarness is stupidity & foolish

How about we start talking wihile taking a flight to one of your best wished destinations to have vication. Imagine yourself on the board of a plane then suddenly a lunatic shouts Allah Akbar ( name of the evil gods of Arab & Islam) Then he kills the pilot ( suddenly you realize he knows how to fly a plane ) and fly the plane to crush into a tower building.

Bad ending sorry ^.^

But the questions are what is the relation between Islam and planes. And what motivated a terrorist to learn flying to crush a plan.??!!.

At all let's leave air and change our transporting method. How about taking a train. not bad at all. Imagine yourself in a train heading to your most wonderful place you wish to have your vacation in. And suddenly a man shouts Allah Akbar ( evil gods of Arab & Islam ). And opens fire inside train. Then throws grenades.

Bad ending sorry again ^.^

Other questions show up. What is the relation between Islam railways. And what motivated the terrorist to attack trains??!!.

let's try to make this our last try to get to our destination to have the best vacation. Let's stay away from air and also from railways. How about a trip on the road. Yes you will get a little tired from driving. but still it will be cool and active. So let's rent a van and go ahead to our best imagined place. Oops watch out the road there is another van shooting and running over people. And another lunatic shouting Allah Akbar ( evil gods of Arab & Islam ).

Bad ending too. seems like final destination 3 ^.^ Final sorry 3.

But also questions marks here. What is the relation between vans and Islam. What motivated a terrorist to learn driving and drive van over people??!!.

Let's stay away from transporting and let's just say you arrived to that destination. A five stars compound. With sun, sand, water, food and luxury. and you spent one of the best weeks of your life. Then you went to pay the money before leaving. A lunatic shouted Allah Akbar ( evil gods of Arab & Islam). And pulled the trigger of an explosive jacket.

Oops not again. Bad ending too ^.^ But at least you enjoyed your vacation.

Also other questions take place. What is the relation between Islam and five stars compound. What makes a terrorist go there & how??!!.

Let's just leave the hell of this final destination vacation. Nothing like home and your ordinary job. Imagine yourself back to your job setting with coffee on your desk relaxing on your chair looking out of the glass window in your office on your tower building. And suddenly you fall in shock when you figure out that a plane is heading to your building and targeting your office. And what makes it worse. It is the same lunatic that took over your flight and shouted Allah Akbar (evil gods of Arab & Islam).

No way to run it seems ^.^

And bigger questions rise. What is the relation between Islam and your office. What is the relation between Islam and your job. How Islam managed to get to your job??!!.

O_O Watch, observe, note and get to the result. O_O

A man or a woman goes to a public training school of flying. Learns how to fly a plane. Not to work or to fly own plane. But to use a public transporting plane to do a terrorist attack.

A man or a woman used to travel and use a public train. And maybe was a worker for some time at the railways. Uses his knowledge about trains time and security not to serve others but to do a terrorist attack.

A man or a woman goes to a public company that rents van. And rents a van not to transport family or others in vacation or a visit or working issues. But to use it to lunch a terrorist attack.

A man or a woman worked at big companies with big economical values Or deal with these companies. Uses his knowledge not to gain profit or better carrier. But to offer information to terrorists on where and how and when to lunch attack to make the harm greater. That's if it is not worse.

O_O Watch, observe, note and get to the result. O_O

" <<< The relation between Islam And public jobs is the same relation between Islam and a plane or a van. Just a tool to get to a purpose or an aim. While for normal people it is transporting. For Islam it is controlling, looting, terror, spying and propaganda for Islam. >>> "


Public jobs are related to dealing or controlling or directing a large group of people. Related to offering or buying different types of services or goods. A rich field with people. And a rich target to evil aims of an evil ideology. And public jobs carry inside it many types. Some of them are 100% governmental jobs. And others are private sectors dealing with public like markets. private transporting companies or even cinema and movies or media and news.

But in fact it doesn't matter much how Islam sneaks into these public jobs. As much matter the aims and results. As under standing the aims and results will give awareness enough to determine these ways to achieve the aims of that evil ideology and close them. Beside it happens in many ways some of them are not intentionally like people trying to find a job for living and latter they turn back to Islamic ideology. And other ways intentionally like getting to a political place or controlling a public personality by any mean or converting to Islam. Or controlling markets...etc.

A) Controlling & getting to power & ruling

It is an ancient say before Islam but Muslims still believe it despite days proved it wrong. because it is written inside their corrupted book of Islam ( Quran ). Which is:- " people follow the religion of their kings." So getting to power and control is an aim for Islam inside Islamic teachings. And public jobs are now days ruling way. That makes it a target for this racist evil ideology. And it is divided into two types.

1) controlling inside Islamic majority countries:- In it Muslims make sure to kick away any other people from getting to power or any sensitive positions or even become a famous public personality with effect. And the main aim is to keep protection to this corrupted ideology with it's evil teachings. And over that even take the whole country into wars in name of Islam in some cases. and use the country capability to spread this corrupted racist ideology. So they control governmental places. and media and TV and radio. and political positions. and fight rich famous personalities which are non Muslims. And use power to make laws all in favor of protecting this corrupted weak ideology. ( like Egypt and north Africa, Saudi and gulf, Turkey, Pakistan).

2) Controlling inside non-Muslims majority countries:- In this case Muslims are minority. They can't dream of even declaring their ugly face they show inside Muslims majority countries. So their number one aim is to protect Islam through pushing people into public jobs and political positions. ( like mayor of London. Most famous now days. ) All his job is protecting Islam even if what is said 100% truth. So they aim to make Islam look good. And prevent people from attacking Islam by many ways. Direct personal effect. Or use of political position. Or push other related to do the job.

B) Looting & stealing & corruption

In Islam which started with a gang used to make rades and attacks on others and then spread the money on shares to each one. The teachings carry that all the money belong to Allah. So whenever you figure a way to get it. ( in Muslim's majority country or non Muslim majority country ) It is okay to keep it. As long as Allah covers on you.

No wonder on a teachings says it is okay to rape children and called it marriage. And killing others and called it jihad. And raping women and called them what hands own. And selling men and women and called them slaves. To teach it is okay to obtain money by any mean or an way.

So Islam turns the follower into corruption machine. Looting by force when possible Or stealing in hidden.

But the worst of it is not about Muslims but about non-Muslims. Which corruption of Muslims is a trap for them. Makes them go to the area of controlling them. And it runs same way in Muslim majority countries like non-Muslim majority countries. The only difference is that in Muslim majority countries non-Muslims may even be forced and fought to become corrupted to try to find a way to control them and use them.( Most bright example For that is Egypt ) Where the only Job of some non-Muslims protecting Islam like if it their own religion. This is not love or kind or accepting. this Islam controlling Ideology and corruption effect. And same goes differently in non-Muslim countries where some get corrupted easily ( with complete free will ). They call smartness or taking advantage. while they are jerks looking only under their feet.

C) Terror and terrorist attacks.

When you gain control and gain money. Comes next step. Use these to terrorize others from attacking Islam. Use your controlling through public Muslims or controlled non-Muslims to prevent attacking evil Islam.

And second part is use your controlling and corruption money to arrange and set and fund terrorist attacks

D) Spying

It happens in two ways. In Muslim majority countries it happens by non-Muslims on their own people. They are spying for Muslims.

In non-Muslim majority countries. Muslims are 100% loyal to Quran which teaches to stand with (support & help) Muslims against non-Muslims even if it was wrong. And also controlled people through corruption work for Muslims.

E) Propaganda

When you have power and control & corruption money & terror effect & spying information. You can easily try to put propaganda. Even if it is fake or a lie. Which a lot of it where exposed in many countries all over the world. Like man attacked girl with veil. Or boy taking a bomb like to school. Or reporting attacks never happened on mosques.


At the end no much more to say but :-

Democracy without awareness is stupidity and foolishness.

Corruption is a threat that becomes a danger ends up as an enemy & destruction


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